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Deadly Coaching Sin #2 - Not Charging Enough!

Get paid what you're worth and for the great results, you're going to get people!

I can't stress this enough, most coaches are undercharging for their coaching. Even if you've already moved away from session-based coaching and have a signature system you take people through, you're probably still not charging enough. 

The keys are 1. To know your worth. 2. Help them transform. If you create something extremely transformational people will invest in your coaching.

Many people talk about charging high-ticket prices ($2,500+) but don't talk about the transformational part of your coaching. It has to change their life. I talked in previous videos about solving a big problem. This ties into the investment into your program as well. Solving a bigger problem = people will invest more!

A high-ticket offer also takes the stress of having to make hundreds of sales in order to get to your income goals. 100 sales at $300 = $30,000. 10 sales at $3,000 = $30,000. Imagine you have a closing rate of 20%. To get the 100 sales in the first example you'd need to talk to 500 people to get those sales (We are talking about coaching here not courses, ebooks, products, etc.)

Now imagine only having to sign 10 clients to make that $30k at the same closing percentage you'd only need to talk to 50 people. If it goes down to 10% closing, you'd still be talking to 400 fewer people to make the same amount of money.

Selling a higher ticket program also positions you to be a specialist and problem solver! Chances are there are other coaches in the world similar to you, how you position yourself, offer, and pricing make a huge difference. Solve the big problems, get great results, and you won't get in a price war with other people doing similar things. 


When you're ready.... here are a few ways we can help you grow your coaching business:

  1. Join the Impactful Coaches Facebook group
    It's our new Facebook community where coaches come to learn how to get more impact, income, and time freedom - Click Here To Join!
  2. Join Unleashed Impact and build your business
    I'm here to help you build your coaching business. If you'd like help getting clear on who you want to serve, how you want to help them, attracting those clients, and how to implement a plan to get them amazing results fill out the application form here: Apply Now!

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